Cat’s Whisker and other Ham Radio Stories

This film conveys the spirit and expression of amateur “ham” radio from the 1950s to the present day. After reading “The World of Ham Radio” by Richard Bartlett, we were inspired to contact amateur radio enthusiasts from San Francisco to Salinas and invite them to share their stories on camera. Each has embraced ham radio from a unique background and area of interest. Their stories have a common thread—the far-reaching impact of amateur radio on world history—from the evolution of radio and wireless technologies and the exploration of the world’s most remote regions, to the effective response to emergencies and disasters, and the practice of international good will.


Eric Hilding- K6VVA

Dan McCranie - AA6GG

Kristin McIntyre - K6WX

Heather Takeuchi - N6HKT

Jim Tripp - WA6DIJ
Filmmaker Team:

Kathy Sullivan
Executive Producer

Boyd McCollum
Assistant Film Editor

Robin Shepherd,
Writer, Director and Producer
Selah Productions

Bobby Kwong
Camera Assistant

Nils Myers, Cinematographer
and Film Editor
152 West Productions

Amaobi Ajawara
Sound Recordist
The History Makers docuseries is made possible by a grant from a generous South County family.