2023 "Stories from the Past"
We’re proud to share the 10th film in our Stories from the Past series. This year’s film is a montage of personal accounts shared by Bob Beach, Russ Carr, Karen Crane, Tim Edes, Carol Holzgrafe, René and Devin Spencer, and Jim Xavier. These men and women and their ancestors have contributed to South Santa Clara County life in diverse and important ways—from public safety, education and newspaper publishing, to agriculture, trades and technology development.
Their individual paths and perspectives are unique, yet their years in Morgan Hill and San Martin are linked by popular local traditions such as the Freedom Fest, the Mushroom Mardi Gras, and the Valle del Sur Antique Automobile Club. Their stories illustrate how community engagement fosters lasting friendships and a shared connection to the place we call hom.
Stories from the Past 2023 was funded by a generous family that shares our respect, curiosity and commitment to preserving local history for future generations.

Our 2023 interviewees:

Bob Beach

Russ Carr

Karen Crane

Tim Edes

René Spencer

Carol Holzgrafe

Jim Xavier

Devin Spencer