Justin Fields is a fifth generation rancher whose
ancestors arrived in Santa Clara County in the 1860s from Germany, Switzerland and Portugal.
Fields and his wife Arleah own one of the few remaining family-owned and operated cattle ranches in Santa Clara County, nestled in the Eastern foothills of Coyote just north of Morgan Hill. They lease additional acreage, much
of it on public lands administered by the Santa Clara County Open Space Authority, and work their cattle the traditional way, using horses and cattle dogs.
Fields has served in leadership roles with the Santa Clara County Farm Bureau and the Santa Clara County Cattleman’s Association, and won recognition for sustainable rangeland management.
He is a seasoned veteran of the vaquero style of
horsemanship and has great stories to share, from local ranching history and the rodeo to the value of FFA programs and saving the endangered Bay Checkerspot Butterfly. In November, he will be a featured guest of the Morgan Hill Rotary Club. You can watch Justin Fields in our Stories from the Past (2020) documentary film series.