With nearly 2 million people, Santa Clara County is among California’s largest counties. We’ve got clout at the polls IF we show up and VOTE. Despite COVID, we’ve got great options to cast our ballot in the 2020 election. Here’s how…
Attend a virtual town hall meeting hosted by state and local representatives and get the facts about safe ways to VOTE during the pandemic.
October 5th, 1-2 PM.
Zoom link: https://tinyurl.com/scacvote20
Or access via Facebook
If you’re a student or you have a student in your household, encourage them to VOTE. Check out the County Department of Education Youth Voter Toolkit.
Don’t miss California Mock Election on October 6th. And be sure to register to VOTE by October 19th.
Of course you can VOTE by mail-in ballot.
Or if you’re a traditionalist, you can still VOTE at the polls. Visit the County website for Visitor Guidelines.